About Growing Her Hair Out (Maybe)

I’ve always had short hair. Ever since I can remember. When I was a kid, my mom grew it out a little, but it was always easier to manage when it was shorter. From the age of 7 until 18, I was a baton twirler. This required me to grow my hair out just long enough to put in a bun. No longer. During the off season for competition, I would cut my hair. Short.
Once I finished twirling, I kept my hair pretty short. I had it a bit longer (you know, a little below the shoulders…barely) when I started undergrad; but, it didn’t last long. Since then, I’ve told myself numerous times that I would grow my hair out, then find it too flat or stuck in my shirt, which would prompt me to cut it off again. I’ve had my hair as short as in a mohawk. Seriously. Once I moved passed that phase, I usually had my hair above my ears, but not shaved. Like so.


So yeah, I normally have my hair that short. Or shorter. But I like to keep it around that length. The last time I got my hair cut, my hairdresser gave me bangs. I like them. Now. I hated them when she first did it. I was flipping out. Anyways, I got over it.
I haven’t chopped my hair off yet. In several months. It is not long by any means. It’s long for me, though. And I haven’t had the crazy desire to chop 🙂
my hair off like I normally do. I’m not entirely sure why; but, I have a few guesses. I find that I cut my hair off when I want to make this point: long hair isn’t the only style that is sexy. I get all ‘women rule,’ ‘short is hot,’ ‘a strong man likes a woman with short hair.’ Then I chop it. Like I have a point to prove. I can be loved even with short hair.
What else? It’s along the same line: I can be confident and hot even with short hair. And I look better with short hair. So I tell myself. And I keep cutting it as though I really do have something to prove. I guess I stopped feeling like I have to defy the beauty standards of long hair. Again, not that my hair is really long. But I can now put it up. And I’m not itching to chop it off.
Perhaps this is what happens as you get older. You know? Or perhaps this refers to my previous post and I started realizing and being more aware of my pattern and the thoughts that occur right before I make the impluse decision to cut my hair. Either way, my hair is growing longer than normal. And I’m not going crazy. I’m just noticing when I want to cut my hair. The thoughts before. And seeing how I can bring this to other parts of my life.